We would like to invite you to listen to another episode of qradio – the
queerfeminist radioshow from the European border.
We are happy to meet today with our guest Patrick from Nigeria. Since he
is very much into music we want to check out amazing music from Nigeria.
Also we want to take a closer look to what it means to live in the
country with largest population in Africa and is known for its political
structure being very much „jaga jaga“. We are curious to get insights
about the situation for lgbtiq+ people in Nigeria which is more than
difficult due to anti-lgbtiq+ laws and socially internalised
discrimination. We will see how the political surroundings are
affecting (and restricting) peoples lifes, leading to struggles and
protests, and giving many people reasons to leave Nigeria. This is how
we found each other here in Lesvos. We will speak about what it means to
come to Europe and to face the harsh living conditions at the border.
So… Check it out, we are loud – we are here, we are queer!
20:00 local (greek)time
19:00 northern european time